
Transformer les défis en opportunité pour redéfinir demain

L’industrie aéronautique européenne est aujourd’hui confrontée à plusieurs défis majeurs : gérer une forte dépendance par rapport au dollar, accélérer le développement de son activité en parallèle du succès d’Airbus, mettre en œuvre de nouveaux programmes adaptés à l’évolution des pratiques de transport, à l’augmentation abrupte du prix du pétrole et aux contraintes de plus en plus fortes liées à l’environnement.

Ces enjeux imposent une remise en question du modèle de développement actuel avec la mise en œuvre de grands programmes basés sur une amélioration de l’efficacité des processus et sur une capitalisation des compétences fournisseurs, leviers de développement majeurs en termes de co-investissement et de partage des risques.

Dans ce contexte, l’industrie aéronautique européenne connaît une vraie mutation qui doit s’articuler autour de chantiers majeurs de transformation qui couvrent à la fois les aspects industriels, la supply chain, la relation- fournisseurs et les modèles de croissance.

Le cœur de métier de Strategy&, l’entité conseil en stratégie de PwC est la conduite de grands projets de transformation auprès des Directions générales. Notre expérience auprès d’acteurs majeurs de l’Aéronautique aux Etats-Unis et en Europe nous permet de répondre aux problématiques majeures :

  • Conduite du changement et pilotage de programmes de transformation
  • Restructuration de la base fournisseur et accompagnement sur des transactions stratégiques
  • Optimisation de la supply chain / logistique
  • Lean manufacturing
  • Réduction du BFR
  • Lean engineering

How we help clients

Business strategy

Players around the world are expanding their role in the A&D sector as they constantly adapt to evolving market conditions. With unmatched industry experience, we help unlock our clients’ growth potential by developing integrated, capabilities-driven strategies.

More on business strategy

Operations strategy

We help clients optimise operations by focusing on differentiated capabilities for continuous and sustained innovation in manufacturing, supply chain, capital assets, general and administrative operations, enterprise-wide operational excellence, digital operations, and customer operations.

More on operations strategy

Organisation strategy

Our experts know how to realign organisational priorities, uncover strategic M&A openings, improved operational efficiency and competitiveness through post-merger integration, and use objective-driven change initiatives to steer transformation.

More on organisation strategy

Technology strategy

We help clients integrate IT with business strategy, solving challenges from the start and creating new growth opportunities for the future. Service offerings include capabilities architecture, digital strategy and transformation, a technology-targeted Fit for Growth approach, and analytics and data management.

More on technology strategy


Whether you’re building aircraft, a submarine, or something even bigger, we're known for our collaborative nature and willingness to challenge conventional thinking. We help strategically improve outcomes for megaprojects being delivered safely, on-time, on budget, and with the highest quality.

More on Megaprojects


Optimising the finance capabilities for a leading A&D company

A leading aerospace and defence company engaged Strategy& to optimise the finance team's ability to serve the business efficiently and effectively. After diagnosing the causes of needless organisational complexity, we addressed workload fragmentation through classification and reallocation of finance activities according to business value. In addition, we developed operating model options for maximising service delivery and highlighted more rewarding career pathways for finance team members. As a result, we aligned leaders on an enhanced operating model and roadmap and identified ~$50M in savings.

U.S. defence market growth for a communications company

We helped a global commercial wireless and broadband network company develop a U.S. government communications market growth strategy. After segmenting the market between base and tactical clients, we assessed the current Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defence demand for highly mobile voice-based applications and wireless broadband solutions. Through interviews, research, and quantitative analysis, we identified emerging market trends, assisted the client in defining its position for emerging growth opportunities, and helped align its product and technology portfolio with immediate market needs.

Driving post-merger cost savings

Strategy& worked as part of a A&D joint venture in developing financial consolidation strategies, enabling cost reduction designated by the U.S. government. We identified financial and operational options, tactical restructuring trade-offs, and opportunities for building momentum across the client enterprise to close a successful implementation. Strategy& continued to lead the client's executive team through a transformation road map that has identified nearly $1 billion in potential savings.

Assessing market entry for a government agency

Strategy& worked with a government agency in assessing potential entry strategies to the international defence market. The client was looking to expand its aerospace and technology industrial bases. The project team, all experts in international defence policy, quickly segmented and sized the market. They identified relevant areas of entry for the client while completing a value chain analysis. Strategy& segmented international participation for military sea, air, and land platforms in addition to addressing the increasingly global nature of commercial aerospace programmes. As a result of our work, the client was able to understand the defence regulatory environment and identify key avenues for penetration and growth.

Capabilities-Driven Strategy + Growth

Does your strategy give you a right to win?

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