Our tools

Use our tools to get started with your capabilities-driven strategy

Strategy profiler

Strategy Profiler

Is your company strategically adrift, capability constrained, or on the way to becoming a supercompetitor? Find out in a few minutes how well your company is positioned for success. This short survey will help you identify potential areas for improvement based on your unique starting position.
Start the Strategy Profiler.

Aperture, the annual strategy scan

Aperture, the annual strategy scan

Are you checking in on your strategy, just like you check in on your people? Aperture, the annual strategy scan, enables your organization to have a fact-based dialogue about strategy that leads to real action.

Capabilities Assessment Tool

Capabilities Assessment Tool

Is your company aligned on the few things that really matter to its success? How good is your company at those most important capabilities?

The Capabilities Assessment Tool can help you identify, build and monitor the capabilities that are at the heart of your success. We can help you customize the tool so it optimally fits your company.

Way-to-play tool

Way-to-play tool

What’s the best way for your company to add value to its customers? You can start thinking about your company’s way-to-play by looking at common, generic ways of creating value. These are what we call puretone ways to play.
The way-to-play tool allows you to experience a number of puretone ways to play and start thinking about how they might apply to your company.

Right-to-win exercise

Right-to-win exercise

What strategy is going to give you a right to win? To develop a capabilities-driven strategy, you need to start by identifying alternative ways to play that your company could pursue. This exercise will help you determine whether a given way to play gives your company a right to win.

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