
The Critical Few

The success of any transformation effort depends on whether and how leaders engage their culture. Culture, however, is different from other business topics: it is implicit rather than explicit, emotional rather than rational — that’s what makes it so hard to work with, but that’s also what makes it so powerful. Bestselling author Jon Katzenbach and coauthors James Thomas and Gretchen Anderson, have written a practical guide to working with culture and tapping into a source of catalytic change within your organization.

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The Critical Few
Fit for Growth

Fit for Growth

Very few organizations manage their costs for sustainable success. They spend their money on the wrong things or they cut the wrong things for the wrong reasons, ultimately leaving them weaker and unfit to compete. Instead, organizations need to think about their costs strategically, as investments that will fuel their growth, so they put their money where their strategy is. Fit for Growth is a guide for senior executives and middle managers on how to align their company's costs and organization with their strategy so they can grow, create value, and sustainably outperform competitors.

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