Factories & 5G

5G is the next generation of mobile technology but it will impact much more than how we communicate. It will allow much faster data speeds, super low latency and with greater reliability and speed. This will enable communication between multiple objects simultaneously and could have a transformational effect on how we live and work.

Making 5G pay: The promise of 5G

5G promises to transform how we live and work with increased connectivity and lightning data speeds. How can the benefits of this new enhanced connectivity be maximised and the risks mitigated?

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Making 5G pay: The promise of 5G

Making the most of 5G

Making the most of 5G: why partnerships will be key for the transition to new mobile services

Operators building a 5G world will have to form far deeper and wider-ranging partnerships than in the past if they hope to survive in an era increasingly dominated by technological disruption. 5G technology has the potential to create and support products and services that do not exist today.

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Rolf Meakin

Rolf Meakin

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

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