AI & compassion

Businesses should view AI as a revolutionary organisational tool, which can improve the capability of an organisation with a coherent strategy, diversity of perspective and a sense of compassion for people. Strategy& Partner, David Lancefield is joined by Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the WEF to discuss this further in our collaboration with the FT and WEF.

The power of AI: a catalyst for organisational reinvention

Applied wisely, AI can increase the whole capability of an organisation, offering higher levels of precision, optimisation and understanding of the business. Business decisions right across the board can be improved, with less reliance on incomplete data and gut feel.

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The power of AI: a catalyst for organisational reinvention

The transformative power of artificial intelligence

AI will pervade every part of business; the co-working of human and machine is the way of the future. The real challenge is how leaders need to rethink the organisational fabric of their business to make sure it’s applied at the right scale, beyond just solving a specific technical problem. How can AI’s full benefits be realised in the boardroom?

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